
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The First Meeting

" 'Ladies and gentleman, Empress Chun-Li,' says Govenor Kendrix.
'I'll remind you this meeting is classified,' says the Empress as she calls the meeting to order. 'I'm sure by now you have been briefed on the purpose of this meeting so without further delay, let's begin. Any suggestions?'
'With all due respect Madame,' says President Charles Samuel, 'why are the Star Brigade representatives here? We really have nothing to do with the dragons.'
'I need a unanious decision from the council which includes the Brigade. General Johnson, anything to report?'
'They are growing not only in numbers but also in strength,' says General Bryce Johnson.
'Explain,' says the Empress.
'The last two attacks by them, one in Aquios and one in Xion, didn't go well for us.'
'What are you saying, Bryce?'
'They now control Xion and half of Aquios and it won't be long before they control all of Aquios.'
'Why not move more troops into Aquios?'
'With all due respect, that won't help. They have already taken out the two strongest armies in the East. That's how they work. They attack the strongest first. Going after the weakest would be dumb, according to them. I guess it's suppose to show thier power or somethng,' explains General Penelope Quaser.' "

Curious yet? What will happen next? What will the Empress do? Tuned in next time to find out.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

What is Hydro Force?

HF (Hydro Force) consists of the four military branches I mentioned earlier.

"As far as technological advances they leapt farther ahead then anyone thought possible for the time period. They have ten Starships used for space exploration. These Starships have already made contact with several other species. Five are now allies, three consider them enemies and two are neutral. Besides the attacks on their outposts on various other worlds the only significant problem is the Dragon movement. The Dragons as they prefer to be called are a rebel movement focused more on war than peace. They are led by former HF Navy SEAL Robert Riley. They have become the main focus of HF and are growing in numbers."

In my next post I will introduce the main character in the story as well as others characters. What will happen next? Stay tuned....

Saturday, March 26, 2005

New World and New Name

"Hours after Chun-Li Xiang's speech the fighting ceased and there hasn't been any fighting on Midgar since. The Hydra's were named as the new peacekeepers on Midgar by then President William Rochester. Renamed Hydro Force they built their headquarters in Narshe, the world capital, and were given the most powerful military in the world. After the dust settled the government had to turn to the task of drawing up new borders. They decided to to used to frontlines of the battles as the new borders.

Twenty-five years past and Hydro Force now consists of four branches. Through the Army, Navy, Air Force and the latest Star Brigade they have taken control and kept the peace. The focus of the Midgar has no shifted from war to finding cures for all the major diseases. Hunger has been eliminated. Pollution is not a problem because most things run solar or wind power."

Wouldn't that be a world you would want live in. Sounds alot like what heaven is like. No more hunger, pollution, war, or sickness of any kind. I don't know about you but that's place I want to go. Besides all that, Jesus will be there (and that's enough for me).

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Introduction Continued (from another blog)

I will continue from where I left off in my other blog.

" If I was to give it a name it would be the Continental Wars. Unlike the three previous world wars it wasn't other countries fighting as allies against another stronger country, it was all the countries fighting six different wars to gain power on their own continent. In March of 2207 the fighting came to an abrupt end when Chun-Li Xiang, the leader of an underground peacekeeping movement known as the Hydras, stepped up and single handedly ended the wars. She stepped to the microphone at a small peacekeeping rally that had gathered outside the government building in downtown Narshe, the world Capital, and gave the shortest but most profound speech on peace the world has ever heard and to this day it is the motto of the earth. It was simply this:

'All this fighting must end if we are to continue as we are. If we continue to fight and
and kill each other to gain power what will it accomplish? Because in the end, when
we are all dead, who will have the power?' "

Statements like this could make someone twice about waging, or at least it should. If only we as humans could think about stuff in a sensible manner. Think before we act. I'm just refering war but life and the decisions we make everyday. Stopping and thinking before we act would probably make this world a better place, don't you agree?